Wow! What a crazy few weeks we have had here at the Gift of Life, and the Growing Our Own Youth office! We started back in the schools with our "Health Education" (formerly REAL) program, provided to the Montgomery Public School System which teaches students about making healthy decisions, as well as teaching them about at-risk behaviors. Preparing schedules proved to be a very crazy process, but great because we are all ready to continue this fall with a bunch of different presentations around the Montgomery area. Amelia Purifoy and Brittney Brooks are doing a wonderful job educating and relating so specifically with students, and have almost finished their first school, which was Floyd Middle School. Next, they will head to Carver High School after our training in Clanton, Alabama next week with the Alabama Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy!These last few months I have definitely taken a "trial-and-error" approach to everything I have done in running the Campaign. I am so excited about where we are heading, as well as how many people we are going to reach through all of our efforts. We have been invited to numerous health fairs around Montgomery and some of our surrounding counties for the fall, and we are excited to get to meet some new people from around our area! Speaking of events, we will be at Bellingrath Middle School on September 29th for an event with COSA, where DEE-1 will be performing. It will be a great event for all ages!
Until next time (Which will be soon!)